εїз 3 Months Of Precious Moments
i miss PLKN but how actually i can describe it ? :'(

Saturday 20 April 2013 | 03:52 | 1 loves

#AWAS entri panjang berjela .

semenjak-dua-menjak-tiga-menjak ni , after 1 year 1 month 2 days , bukan main lagii rindu PLKN ! kem PLKN wawasan ovai papar . when i say i miss PLKN , i really mean i miss everything . too lazy to list it ? hell yahhh ! i miss it and i gonna list it !
"jambatan gantung itu , tray plkn itu , "wati ! turun !" itu , "wati ! PT 10 !" itu , pt pagi itu , loreng itu , dobi itu , boot itu , m-16 itu , hutan rimba itu , kelas itu , surau itu , bilik 9 itu , cengkerik itu , lipan itu , khidmat komuniti itu , kompeni charlie itu , detail itu , duduk sedia itu , kawad itu , jl itu , staf itu , komandan itu , id itu , wati itu , wira itu , tidur di padang kawad itu , pt 11 itu , lagu itu , yell itu , air katak itu , tembok itu , monkey bar itu , bleep test itu , sunburn itu , dan lain-lain ."
banyak benda yg buat ter-recall kenangan dalam PLKN . masa dalam kem , bila ada yang cakap "Salam Satu Malaysia" , dengan semangat kami sahut "Malaysia Boleh!" . tangan kanan di dada kiri , angkat ke udara . dengan bangga ! hahaha . tapi bila keluar dari PLKN , bila dengar orang cakap "Salam Satu Malaysia" , Tuhan saja yang faham betapa susahnya nak tahan diri dari jerit "Malaysia Boleh !" . bukan sebab malu , cuma bimbang akan create suasana yg "krikk krikk krik krikk" ...

seriously , i start to regret times that i used to nangis macam beruk dalam kem sebab taktahan nak balik , masa moody and masa yg terbuang utk just duduk rehat dalam medic . MEMBAZIR . 3 months just too short ! untuk yang dapat panggilan PLKN tu , x payah la maki hamun sebab tak semua yg berpeluang masuk kem . most important x semua orang akan dapat pengalaman mcm yg korang akan dapat . lepas tamat latihan , percaya la . korang akan rindu . rindu gilaaa ! ini lah yg x awesome nyaa PLKN ni , mula2 paksa kita masuk kem , pastu bila dah dapat adapt dgn kem , kena hantar pulang pulaaa .. :'(

padang kawad itu . rindunyaaa . masa awal2 masuk kem , ramai jugak la yang tumbang dekat sini . alhamdulillah , selama dalam kem , tak pernah lagi tumbang . dekat sini la berlatih kawad , tempur tanpa senjata , pt pagi . jl selalu ingatkan , "baris ikut paku wati!" "tak lurus , tengok pipi kawan dkt kanan tu!" "pt10 wati!" "turun wati!" . ya Allah , heavannyaa . banyak pantang larang di padang kawad yang jl ingatkan. jangan duduk sebelum diberi arahan , jangan meludah , jangan pandang bawah , kalau rasa nak pitam pandang tumbuhan hijau , pastikan sentiasa gerakkan jari2 kaki dalam boot tu ... arghhhh ! bawak gua masuk plkn balik la weiiii :'(

cendawan PLKN . comel dari kak ton kannn ? :'D

kem PLKN wawasan , kg ovai , papar sabah . BEST !

only in ovai :')

kahkahkah ! lawak sungguh muka gigih aku dek KKJ :'DD

sunburn kegemaran kami :'D

m-16 fire !


bila masuk kem , dapat ID 376 . dapat pulak kompeni charlie . almost-burst-into-a-big-laugh jugak laa sebab nama charlie tu mcm comel sangat . hahaha ! tapi bila dah sama2 , seriously best sangat . teringat silent killer selalu teriak "wirawati charlie shajaaaaa , baris .. baris sedia !" silent killer gelaran for one of our jl laa . rasa sweet sangat bila diingat pasal charlie ni . lagu , yell , tragedi charlie ditawan , memang heavan kena denda . wati buat salah , dengan wira sekali kena . sama juga bila wira buat salah , wati pun sama kena . teringat masa kena tawan , masa tu memang bangang nyaa anxious dah . panji dah x tau kemana . mula2 bisik2 je , takmau kompeni lain tahu yg charlie dah kena tawan . cuba nak watlek , ingat wira saja nak mainkan wati . bila dah kena tawan , tahu dah memang tak tidur la malam tu , bkawad laa tengah malam . bila wati jadi punca charlie ditawan , membulat mata semua wira naik angin tengok wati . haha ! 

sokongan antara wira ngan wati tu sentiasa ada . bila wati charlie bgerak ke garis mula untuk larian berhalangan , wira charlie sungguh2 bagi nasihat . hahaha ! "dekat bar tu kena lompat tau , jangan sampai tersentuh dekat paha" "dekat tembok jangan duduk , kena tiarap" "hati2 wati, gud luck" "grip bar tu kuat2, kaki bengkok, kalau tak boot tarik jatuh" . bila kitaorang dah mula berlari , dengar dorang sekuat hati nyanyi lagu charlie . hahaha ! semangat gila . charlie selalu buat mesyuarat . yang sekali tu , wati tulis yg dorang tak puas hati dengan wira dan sebaliknya . bila wira tahu apa yg wati cakap pasal dorang , dorang sentap lah pulakkk . so , sweetnya masa tu , wati plan nak buat suprise minta maaf dengan wira . siap plan macam mana nak approach dorang dah , tapi atas nasihat jl , takpayah laa . sebab lelaki ni kalau tengah panas susah jugak . entah nak ke tidak dorang maafkan . so jl cakap , tunggu je dorang cool down sendiri .. hahaha . siri yang sebelum ni , ramai yg ckp charlie ni kompeni belasahan . tapi masa siri kami , kami ok jaa . wati charlie siap johan kawad lagi walaupun compared dengan wati kompeni lain , kami laa yang ada kekuatan paling sikit . seriously , rindu charlieeee !

Sebab rindu , i still have those stuff dari PLKN .

saya wati 376 charlie :')

ada simpan lagiii . earplug utk latihan menembak , dan getah loreng . epic kan ? haha
background tu komandan , tkp , jl , and wati charlie :')

baju , sijil , gambar . ahhhhhhh :'((

hahaha ! LOL ! i have no idea abt this :'D


saya adiwira ! 

1 Hasrat , 1 semangat , 1 tekad !

updated by : 376 charlie :')

Big Apologize .

Wednesday 24 October 2012 | 23:26 | 0 loves

Hei Assalamualaikumm :')

today is Arafah day , and i do believe that today is a blessed day . 

just now , Izza text me .
"Salam ser :) Hi , how are you ? Mcm study ? Okay ? Sorry ganggu . Ser , x lama g exam sem 1 (: Good luckkkk . Do the best (: Em , btw wish me luck too . Hee ~ Sorry selama kita kenal aku ada salah dkt kau . Sorry kalo aku ada m'nyusahkan kau . Halalkan ilmu yg pernah kau bgi and halalkan makan minum yg pernah kau bgi (: Take care , ser (:"
This entry actually for Izza . And yeah , its been a long time we did no touch . more than a month i thought . and that's all caused by me ! shame on u , SERA ! i really miss u girl since that day . previously , almost every week she will text me . but , i broke the friendship ! just like that . it started when izza text me , 
"ser , are u okay?"
and guess what i answer her . i said 
"i'll always be okay . stop worrying about me . i got a worthless life .. stay away .. ......."
i don't really remember what i replied to izza . that is not a good thing to remember . what i know , it hurts her . i don't know why i did it . i just can't see the differences between friend and enemy . when someone ask about myself , i don't think that they actually care about me . i just think that everyone will laugh at me . same goes to izza . i don't know how come i can think that bad about izza . izza just want to be a shoulder for me . or at very least be someone that i can share my problem to . but , i can't see it . i can't understand it . all problem that came to me actually really hurts me . they all comes at the same time and i can't handle it . i can't handle my emotion . and i can't hold any longer :'( it's terrible . it started with problem of my family and study . the other came and they started to kill me softly . i posted about it in my latest entry in my blog . klik . do read this if u have time , zaa . and just if u want to :') 

i just realize everything right after i lose it . i mean after i 'lose' izza in my life . i started to miss her and i do realize that i need her . but , i try to hold the emotion because i know all this caused by me . i don't deserve to be her friend . and that is the price that i hafta pay . and i already got the punishment for not appreciate this friendship . i can't pursuing my study at Bristol University , i can't go to UK and i went through the painful moment in my life ALONE . 

since PLKN , i'm the one who always create problems . what wrong with me ?!

So , u know , that is the most stupid thing that i ever done . and yeah , Allah is the most loving . Allah punish me for what i've done . i don't know why i'm crying right now . like stupid . i regret everything . but , i know it doesn't worth anything . 

so on the Arafah day , i apologize u for my stupidity . and try to seek Allah's forgiveness for not appreciate this friendship . i'm really sorry , zaa . 

Again , i'm sorry because i don't apologize u earlier . i don't have any strength for it . i even don't have strength to tell this directly to u . if i have to meet u right now , i would avoid . because i'm very ashamed of you . and for sure , i've create an awkward moment for us if we meet some day .

to reply Izza's message , 
"Wassalam :') i'm fine . and u ? Study ? I hope it will be okay . FINGERCROSSED . Yeah , exam was around the corner . I'll pray for u . Luck will always be with a good person . Like u :') May Allah ease everything . U don't have any mistake towards me . in otherwise , i have it towards u . i'm the one who should apologize u :'( Yeah , everything for u . All knowledge , foods were belong to Allah . Don't thanks me , thanks HIM . Allah bless u , Izza ."

i'm glad to see u happy with your friends . at least , without me , u were still ok . this is nurishan right ? i know she is a good girl . she is you friend . friend that will never hurt u , and the most important , friend that will appreciate friendship :')

if only and only if u couldn't forgive me , it's okay zaa . i'll understand . i'll never regret it because i'm the one who create this matter . may Allah bless u . and i'm really proud to see u . to see how u increase level of your imaan . keep goin . and Allah will guarantee u in JANNAH :')

i hope Allah will give me time to fix our friendship that i ruined by myself . someone could forgive , but never forget . so it will be never perfect , but at very least i want to make it nice for us :')

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charlie's angels :)

Peeps.. Wirawati Charlie a.k.a Charlie's Angels here ~ XD We back from our National Service at Kem Wawasan Papar with millions of precious memories.. So here, room 9 of Charlie Angels, Izza, Sera, Naz, Phei and Jenny will share everything with u .. ♥

Let's Speak!

Taylor Swift | Today Was a Fairytale

The Credits!

Template by : Sharanichi Potter
Header By: Sera Salleh εїз
Full Edited : izza & sera